
i have experienced so many emotions since my last post. it's an interesting feeling. it feels like everything and nothing has happened at the same time. i am currently sitting in a coffee shop in a city that is my second home. i'm in the sloooooooooow process (it's only been seventeen days)
of making it my current home.

in the last seventeen days i was lucky/blessed in many avenues in my life:

i acquired a part time weekend job on my forth day back in this city at the cutest most fantastic locally owned and run coffee shop. today was my first full shift. i love working in coffee shops for a number of reasons. it teaches me a sense of community that is unique to the coffee shop scene. you get the opportunity to meet locals and hear how their day is going. they are almost always so happy to see you as well because you are the keeper of the caffeine. i have been obsessed with going and experiencing new coffee shops for many years and getting to be apart of the behind the scenes of one is a fun experience. this is my third coffee shop i've worked at. yes it's not always glamorous and as hipster-eque and beautiful as instagram makes it seem.... you still have to empty the garbage cans and deal with messes. but i enjoy getting to meet new people on a daily basis behind and in front of the counter. i have gotten the chance to meet all of my new co workers and i don't know if i've ever started a new job where i've instantly liked the people i've been surrounded around so quickly like i feel today. everyone is accepting, passionate, cool, and admirable in their own way. i feel honored to get to work beside them and am excited to learn more about them as the months go on.

i got to attend a games night hosted by two of my all time favourite human beings ever. i was mc in their wedding if that tells you how much i love them. it was the night on my first full day back in the city. i was exhausted from driving almost a full 24 hours but it felt so good to be surrounded by my old friends and their new friends. just from that one evening i got the chance to chat with some of their friends and found out i am going into a very similar career path as some of them and it was refreshing to hear how their experiences in the field have been the same or different as mine. they gave me great advice as i'm just embarking and their words are words i am holding close and remembering often when it comes to the thought of making big decisions in the next couple of months.

i started my work placement at an absolutely amazing kick ass organization. they are doing some pretty amazing and radical things that have already made me change the way i view things and they've made me super stoked to know i get to spend the next couple of weeks with them working along side and for phenomenal women.

i have gotten to curl up on the couch more than once with one of my best friends and drink tea and watch shameless on netflix and if you can tell me a better way to unwind after a crazy day, i'll be taking notes because this is pretty dang perfect way to spend a night if you ask me.

i got to have supper TWICE with my human, my person, my ying to my yang, my christina to my meredith, serena to my blair. she's my favourite ( i know you're reading this... love you)

i moved back in with my old roommate who is the closest thing to superwomen in living form that i know. she is a mom of two kids, two dogs, and a step son and she is absolutely freaking killing this mom thing. i look up to her and question where she gets all of her energy from. she has graciously accepted be back into her life and her home and i will forever be grateful for her generousity.

i got to go wedding dress shopping with another one of my absolutely favourite humans in the entire world, she's fantastic. she likes cheese probably more than me if that's possible... she's also crazy enough to allow me to be her maid of honour. i cannot wait. i think it's a huge responsibility that i do not feel worthy of the title but will do my best to honour and help her as she marries the man of her dreams... and let me tell you... she knocked this one out of the park (the bar is set very high for whoever comes into my life)

i got to have a reunion with some of the world changers i call friends. i don't know what i ever did to be lucky enough to have them in my life but i will hold onto them for as long as they allow me to be in their lives. sometimes when we get into the routine of life and the sometimes mundane things it's easy to forget your passion. hanging out with these people who i met seven years ago always reminds me of where my passion is and to continue doing things that honour that passion for myself and for others.

i have been so blessed.... i wish i could come up with a better word that conveys how i feel. it's been seventeen days of greatness. i have been thinking a lot over the last couple of days how hard of a decision it was to embark on this journey and move yet again. i've been reminded that i made the right decision. i have such a astounding community here. this is my second home because i've worked hard and will continue to work even harder at making it my second home. i thank my friends who i have here for letting me back into their lives and for sharing their friends and lives with me. i am proud of myself for finally committing to the decision to come and just be and live here. i know there will be days i miss home more than ever. for now, this is home and i'm more than okay with that decision.

things feel good. life feels good. now to establish more of a routine. i think i've been living in my honey moon phase of being back. my body is feeling run down and i know i need to listen to it and look after myself as much as i can while i'm experiencing this transition in my life.

thank you if you've made it this far into the ramblings of my life. these are my thoughts from the sea this week, xo


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