the seasons are changing and i'm running out of excuses.
at the risk of maybe sounding like a stereotypical white girl, I LOVE FALL. like soooo much. but i am here to say and state that there is nothing wrong with being "stereotypical" if it means you're vocalizing or being passionate about something you genuinely love. i always like to hear people's explanations as to why they love things, even if it's something 3/4 of others love too! i mean, if that many people love it there's probably a great reason.
fall just feels right. there are many many quotes that make my insides feel so content and when it's put into words that someone else feels the same way about it, there's that reassuring feeling someone else GETS IT.
i have a couple of reasons why i feel so passionate about fall time. firstly, i do not deal with hot weather well. i find it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable and sometimes even anxious, so when i step out of the house and it's slightly cold with a nice breeze, when i breathe in i think my soul actually says ahhh thank you world for bringing the more comfortable weather. secondly, i do have a lot of self conscience issues i know i need to work out, but for now, they are ever so present and constantly at the fore front of my mind and thoughts. i hate having to show too much skin because it's too hot to wear layers or comfy clothes. fall fits how i feel. i can dress in comfy big sweaters and things that make me feel safe. thirdly, i am a sucker for a nice warm beverage in a mug that feels like a hug. apple cider, a hot coffee, all of the kinds of tea or my all time favourite. a chai-der. it's apple cider and chai tea mix.. please try. i promise it will not disappoint.
( making homemade soups and chilis, drinking wine and playing cards surrounded by my friends and candles and so many more cozy things. i am looking forward to fall weekend hikes and wearing toques and the overall fullness my heart and soul feels when the colder weather is approaches.
what are your favourite things to do in fall? do you have any cozy vibe things you must absolutely do for yourself to feel better? any favourite fall-esque songs you think i should add to my playlist?
the seasons are changing and i'm running out of excuses. i thought this last time this year, and i hope i don't this time next year.
thank you if you've made it this far, i hope you've all had a lovely summer and are looking forward to fall and the promises and wishes that come with it and that you simply just work on being the best version of yourself you can possibly be. if you're finding it hard to find that thing or that motivation, i hear you. reach out to me or someone else for accountability and support. community is everything. these are my thoughts from the sea this week, xo
September is a new beginning. I sharpen my pencils, sort out my desk, savagely evaluate my summer wardrobe before storage (WHY do I have so many dressy clothes when I only choose them for weddings or funerals!) September is the time for new routines, new learning opportunities, snuggling down at night - darkness creeps in sooner in September - with a new book and a beverage. September is the time for me to reconnect with friends for games nights. Reading your post, I was reminded of how much I love sweaters and comfy socks.
ReplyDeleteyes! this is all beautiful examples of why fall is the best! <3 thank you for sharing