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it's june.

  it’s june,    i picked enough lilacs for my friends, neighbours, and my landlords. it’s the first after all, rent is due and i feel so lucky to have a home to rent with a yard full of flowers to share.    it’s june, the sun is here longer already. i feel myself coming back to life. i have been lax on some things, but instead of looking at that as laziness, i am reframing as the fact that my body and mind needed a bit of leash. i have experienced some fight or flight feelings the last couple of months professionally, which has caused me to put my physical health on the back burner. i have learned this is not ideal, but hey, it’s june, and we are feeling alive again and ready to f o c u s.    it’s june, i’m daydreaming about how in my next life i would like to be a flower and strawberry farmer. while i putter around the yard, i am in awe of the resilience that is nature and how it grows and shapes around everything. from the homemade beach rock steps my cousin built the first summer we

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